This morning I thought I would work on a plain one as a sample so she can see what it will look like. Of course this one is not a thank you one. I just really wanted to use the SMILE stamp I found at Michael's a while back.

This is the side view. The little white part at the bottom is where you can write a message and sign. Better not be a LONG message!

I also finally got the right oval punch to copy this sunflower from someone online. It has a little treat cup with buttons in it. If I had sunflower seeds, I may have filled the cup with that instead. Or M&Ms! I can put something other than Happy birthday of i choose too as it is only holding on with a metal clip.

This one is one I started at Natalie's house the other day but just finished it last night. I tried a new little saying I had never used! i guess i don't give anyone i'm sorry cards! LOL I should make someone mad! Or I guess I could use it as a sympathy card too.

Hmmmm... what do these three cards have in common??